EnGen Institute 1992-2022
Ultra high efficiency LED lighting has been developed for plant growth systems for use in space as on the International Space Station.
Greenhouse LED Lighting
Greenhouse Robot Harvesting Cucumbers
‘Plantagon’ Swedish Urban Farm concept
PLANT LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS Greenhouse-based Plant Life Support Systems are simple CELSS (Controlled Environmental Life Support System) as developed for use in space. They process air, water, organic materials and nutients through multiple separate environments giving better control of these miniature ecosystem (unlike all-in Biosphere 2). EnGen Institute’s initial Urban Farm will be a multi-disciplinary research centre where architects & urban planners; engineers (mechatronic, civil & environmental) & roboticists; botanists, biologists & geneticists; work with farmers & agronomists on both monoculture (export) & polyculture (food secutity) goals. Urban Farming holds the promise of higher productivity (in both organic growth systems and low-labour requirements), better environmental and social outcomes and a new export industry. The Sustainable Food project, which is supported by the parallel Sustainable Power and Water projects develops technology for remote isolated communities to produce a secure, healthy diet. CLIMATE-CONTROLLED GREENHOUSE AUTOMATION The Sustainable Food program extends the EcoHab building system and its closed-cycle utilities systems (recycling), with climate-controlled built environments (greenhouses) and automated regenerative Plant Life Support Systems.
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